It shoots 3 black wither skulls and one blue wither skull before flying to another location. Upon noticing a player or mob, the wither flies to a random location and hovers in place. The armor disappears if it regenerates above half health. When its health drops below half (150 × 75), the wither gains a natural "wither armor" effect, which makes it immune to damage from arrows and thrown tridents and causes it to fly at the same height as the target. The wither has a passive regeneration rate of 1 every 20 ticks (1 second), and a direct killing blow on a target instantly heals 5. Whenever a wither kills another mob, a wither rose is planted if the ground is grass, or otherwise dropped as an item at that mob's location however, it may be destroyed by other wither skulls. The main head controls the wither's movement and has a 0.1% chance to shoot a blue wither skull instead of the default black one. Each head fires independently, allowing a wither to attack up to three different mobs/ players at the same time. Upon noticing a mob, the wither hovers above it and rapidly shoots black wither skulls. The sky darkens when the wither spawns (a kind of fog). Renamed withers display the changed name above its boss bar. All withers display a boss bar on the screen. When looking at the wither, the world gets slightly darker. The wither has a dark purple or pink boss health bar that appears only when a player is looking in the wither's direction, including through walls. On Normal or Hard difficulty, it fires blue skulls in random directions until it finds a target. If the wither is idle, it simply hovers and is unable to gain altitude.
Mobs spawned with the Invulnerable NBT tag. The wither is hostile toward all mobs except: The wither has the highest health in the game with 300 × 150 in Java and 600 × 300 in Bedrock. The wither has a dash attack that deals damage to nearby mobs and breaks all blocks surrounding it. It is immune to all other status effects, like the ender dragon. Like other undead mobs, the wither is harmed by the Instant Health effect and healed by the Instant Damage effect as well as affected by weapons with the Smite enchantment. Accordingly, it can be suffocated in the exit portal or end gateway, for example. However, it cannot break bedrock, end gateway blocks, end portal blocks, end portal frames, command blocks, structure blocks, jigsaw blocks, barriers or moving pistons. Suffocation is usually ineffective because, upon taking damage, the wither breaks any block it touches. The wither is immune to fire, lava, drowning damage and freezing. The wither has the greatest natural health of all mobs in Minecraft. After this, the wither attacks nearby mobs and can take damage. It is accompanied by a loud gruesome sound that can be heard equally from across the map and in all dimensions. This explosion has a blast power of 7, more than that of a charged creeper or an end crystal. When this state ends (after 10 seconds), the wither creates a large explosion centered on itself, destroying nearby blocks and dealing up to 99 × 49.5 damage to nearby mobs/players. While in this state, the wither is invulnerable, and neither moves nor attacks. When spawned, the wither grows larger in size as its health bar fills up. The difference between the ender dragon's boss bar and the wither's boss bar. It also drops 50 when killed by a player or a tamed wolf. The Looting enchantment does not increase this drop. It cannot be destroyed by explosions, although it can be destroyed by cactus, fire or lava. In Java Edition the dropped nether star takes five minutes to despawn, though in Bedrock Edition the nether star never despawns. The wither always drops one Nether Star upon death. Building the wither spawning structure in Peaceful difficulty does not spawn anything. Like all other hostile mobs, the wither despawns when the difficulty is changed to Peaceful. When the wither has successfully spawned, it is angered and creates an explosion around itself. The building pattern can have any orientation (including horizontal and upside-down) as well as the skulls the wither always spawns at the foot of the pattern. Air blocks are required on either side of the base soul sand or soul soil under the upper blocks (non-solid blocks such as grass and flowers prevent the wither from spawning). The last block placed must be one of the three skulls and can be placed by the player or a dispenser. The wither is spawned by placing 4 blocks of soul sand and/or soul soil in a T shape (see image on the right in the "Behavior" section), and putting 3 wither skeleton skulls on top of the three upper blocks.
Wither when spawned with its blue shield.
Soul soil can be used interchangeably with soul sand.